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Jan 17, 20201 min read
World's Oldest National Park is Here in Mongolia.
Mongolia has the oldest National Park in the world. Lying just south of Ulaanbaatar the Bogd Khan National Park dates its origin to 1778...
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Jan 16, 20201 min read
Country of the last wild horses.
Mongolian native horses are called takhi, the Mongol word for “spirit,” and have 66 chromosomes, or two more than the average horse. They...
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Jan 15, 20201 min read
Wrestling /Bökh/ has been Mongolian tradition for a long time.
In Mongolia, wrestling is a tradition that goes back hundreds of years, perhaps further than recorded history. Chinese who visited...
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Jan 14, 20201 min read
Mongolian Horseman Might Have Invented Your Favourite Treat
There is a theory that Mongolian horseman may have invented ice cream, when they took cream in containers made from animal intestines as...
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